I drove all 4 to school today, and thanks to this post instead of being on the edge of losing my mind to the song choice, window choice, breathing choice moments—I am both bothered and so very grateful to have a car full with all of them, and one where I’m still the driver 😅. And sending you a hug for having no choice but to be brave in this crazy, hard, terrible, wonderful journey of motherhood.

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My oldest just turned 10 and my youngest just started kindergarten and I had a breakdown over the summer at the knowledge that one day this perfect (read: exhaustingly, overwhelmingly, want to rip my hair out some days perfect) season of life will be over when my oldest leaves for college. (So he doesn’t feel left out, I should mention that I do also have a middle child.) I am now the mom who cries at the mere thought of it. So, thanks for writing this. Gut wrenching as it is, your words and solidarity (even if I am not there yet) are a gift.

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I cried after I dropped my oldest off at kindergarten this year. And I cannot imagine what dropping him off at college will be like. But I will tell you that a month ago my husband casually said something at dinner about when the kids leave and I BAWLED, uncontrollably. Being a mom, man.

And thank you for the (disgusting) laugh at the end.

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The last sentence, though!! ✨ I know, because I’ve learned from you, that if that sentence had been earlier, it just wouldn’t have hit the same…but you brought us on the journey with you, you made us feel and also want to dry heave and then boom, the last sentence hit in the most perfect way ✨ And Sonya, I’m right there—my first boy is in 6th grade and I’m already crying all the time thinking of him leaving—and both boys make fun of me by doing horrible math like “I’ll be driving in less than 4 years” and “in 8 years your house will be empty”—UGH!

Keep crying and telling us about it 💕

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I feel this so deeply. 💔 So, my YOUNGEST just started her senior year with all the college visits and applications and “last time we will do this” moments. Meanwhile I’m looking for a good therapist, because I realize that I might not be okay and I need a professional to hold my hand.

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Oh gosh. Thank you for being the woman I’ll keep turning to in transitions.

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Oh Sonya!!! Sending you a big ol hug. ❤️ We are a one kid family and I absolutely cannot bear to think about the day that she leaves. Nope nope nope.

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I was hoping those middle of the night mom moments ended once the kids turn 6… 🤦‍♀️

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