Mar 22Liked by Sonya Spillmann

"a year from now, you’d give anything for this time with her. A year from now, you won’t remember the money." THAT is a helpful reframe, especially when I'm cranky about losing sleep or things going undone because I chose to sit and watch the movie. Future me will thank me for pausing to be present in these moments.

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I went from making soup to crying a little bit. Thank you for writing. I'm going to be thinking on this all day today: "What we feel in a moment, experience in a season, just may not be a long enough time for accurate reflection.

Maybe our unit of measurement should be longer."

I'm in the middle of something, so to speak, and you're right I don't have the space necessary to reflect yet.

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who cried at the mere mention of my first daughter going to college. I remember when we visited that college the summer before and I just bawled telling the cashier at the t-shirt store about it. There was an awkward, “Okaaaay…” as she (kindly) patted my arm. Lol. Anyway, thank you for sharing this beautiful piece. It’s all so true.

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

I have one toddler and often think (in an anxious way) about what life will look like on the brink of sending him out into the world in 15 years. This is a beautiful and vulnerable piece. Thank you for sharing!

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Mar 21Liked by Sonya Spillmann

You have a remarkable gift! Thank you for sharing. Oh friend! I can relate! To not be bound by time for all eternity is going to be amazing!! ❤️

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

Beautiful as always

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Whew, this gives me the chills. Here's to zooming out and to the ones who help us do that.

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

I'm in a completely different season, worrying about childcare and pump breaks and childcare, but yet it seems all mothers are trying to figure out how to do it all, all the time. How to not let the weight of everything crush us and still take time to stop and smell the flowers, or the newborn's head, or the chlorine at a final year swim meet. This was a well-timed read for me.

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I can relate to all of this, Sonya. The part-time jobs. The rush. The musts. The breathing. The growing up of our girls.

But it is the sharing the hotel with your swimmer girl that I understand with every ounce of me. Harper and I did that last year for a meet, and it's been one of my favorite weekends with her ever.

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

So good, Sonya. I needed this last line today.

“What we feel in a moment, experience in a season, just may not be a long enough time for accurate reflection.

Maybe our unit of measurement should be longer.”

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Well I just love this so much.

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

Beautiful reflection. I really love this.

As a side note, we had our first taste of one of those longer meets over time change weekend, and opted to drive back and forth. Rookie mistake! I hope you both really enjoyed your time together 💜

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

Wait but weren’t you *just* doing college visits? 😩 I’m not surprised this piece made me emotional, but dang, I didn’t expect to cry quite so hard. Thank you for this gentle observation on the power of time and perspective. And thank you for sharing your conflicted feelings towards spending money. Your friend’s response was so beautiful.

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Oh wow, Sonya. This brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for this. I too can struggle with making decisions like that based solely on finances and I'm so thankful for the people in our lives that help us see the bigger picture. Those last lines are incredible.

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

Beautiful. ❤️

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Mar 20Liked by Sonya Spillmann

Yes to your last words! 🙌🏻 It's perspective isn't it? Things can feel so overwhelming or so sad or even so amazingly happy and it all kinda evens out?

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